Wednesday, 03 August 2011

2011 CrossFit Games WOD Event 10

"The End 3"

20 Calories Row

30 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14)

20 Toes-to-Bar

30 Box Jumps (24/20)

20 Sumo-Deadlift High-Pull (110/75)

30 Burpees

20 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)

For Time

Post time to comments

(Games WOD calls for a 20m sled pull at the end, sled plus 385lbs. MP has no sleds; but if you have them, do the pull)


  1. RD 1: 62 REPS
    RD 2: 85 REPS
    30:44 Total Time; 18:44 for RD 3.

  2. RND 1: 44 reps
    RND 2: 80 reps
    RND 3: 17:53
    TOTAL TIME: 29:53

    8# WBS; 30 SU; 16" box; 55# SDLHP; 55# S2OH

    I didn't like all the " wait, come back...1-2-3-GO...oops, come back again...okay, for real this time...1-2-3-GO!" Made me feel like I wasn't getting anywhere, but I had fun anyways!

  3. Rnd 1 - 40 reps
    Rnd 2 - 80 reps
    Rnd 3 - 15:09
    Total Time 27:09

    MOD 12 lb WB, 55# SDHP, 65# STOH.

  4. Total time was 29:15 event 10 time was 17:15
    did 75lb STOH for my elbow :-( and a 12lb ball on the 10ft target

  5. Round 1: 50 reps
    Round 2: 94 reps

    Total time: 31:28 Rx less 12 minutes 19:28--congrats to all impressive

  6. Event 8: 75 reps
    Event 9: 99 reps
    Event 10: 15:20

    All Rx

    That was a tiring WOD!

  7. Event 8: 36 to 41 ... messed up count
    Event 9: 67
    Event 10: 18:11

    Total WOD: 30:11

    8# WB and 45# lifts
