Monday, 08 August 2011


100 Pull-ups

100 Push-ups

100 Sit-ups

100 Squats

For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 11 DEC 09


No partitioning of exercises. Complete each exercise before moving to the next.


  1. 19:16 Rx
    Unancho AbMat S

    This is 2:07 slower than PR, but PR was with anchored SU, used a ball with the SQ, and I didn't have to jump a foot to grap the PLU bar.

    Great work all! Congratz to MP CrossFit 5-person mud run team, back-2-back Champions!

  2. 30:23 RX (almost)

    Still using risers for my squats since my flexibility stinks.

  3. 24:20 RX
    This is my first attempt at a WOD with 100 RX Pull-Ups - PLU Time was 8:15

    Still need a half inch lower on my PU!!

    Chad, sorry about those hands!! They were shredded. Super awesome job hanging in there to 100!

  4. 24:06 rx it's been a long time since I've done Angie!
    I know it's a pr but can't remember by how much ;-p
    sorry to hear about your battle wounds Chad! First shower after the rips SUX! :-/

  5. Correction 24:36!! Blah ( lol I wish it was :06 ;-p

  6. 18:18 with 25#kb in place of plu and knee pu. This picture is funny. Hmmm...funny caption?
    Robert,"man, my back hurts right here in the middle."
    Danny, " Let me help. My abs are so strong I bet I can give you a back rub with them."

  7. Heehee, funny caption, Jaime!

    My first time doing this WOD and my first time doing 100 PLU (I think).

    Total time was 35:46 and PLU time was 13:19

    Used 1" for first 67 PLUs then added a 1/2" for the rest. Knee PUs and unanchored SUs w/ abmat followed by SQTs w/out a ball. I escaped with a small rip on my pinkie finger (who knows?) and two bubbly blisters...ick!

    Sorry to hear of your battle wombs, happens. Way to go, Rhonda, on your first 100 RX PLUs...that is HUGE!

  8. My funny caption:
    Robert; " ok Danny ONE more piggy-back ride!"

  9. 26:18
    1st 25 1.5 inch
    Then 2 inch
    Last 13 2.5 inch
    Knee pu
    Unanchored su
