Monday, 24 January 2010

For Score:

10 minutes row (calories)
2 minutes max rep Overhead Squats (65/45)
1 minute max rep Pull-ups
2 minutes max rep Speed Skips

Post total score and individual exercise totals to comments


  1. 10 minutes row (calories) 131
    2 minutes max rep OHS 45# 16
    1 minute max rep PLU 1.75" 7
    2 minutes max rep singles 175

    Total 329

  2. 404
    Cals 123
    45 lb OHS 19
    1" PLU 20
    Speed Skips 242

  3. Melanie said...

    Calories: 117
    12 lb. OHS- 10
    Rx plu- 10
    Speed skips- 100

    Fun wod! Great job everyone! :)

  4. 267 with 45# OHS, singles, and 1" banded PLU.

  5. 456 Rx---

    178 cal
    36 OHS
    12 PLU
    230 speed skips

  6. 408 rx
    143 cal
    32 ohs
    13 plu
    220 speed skips

  7. 188 cal.
    23 OHS
    15 PLU
    160 speed skips
    386 RX

    Great job everybody!

  8. Total: 353
    127 Calories
    17 OHS @ 40# (wahoo!)
    15 PLU w/ 1.5"
    194 Speed Skips

    This wod was fun!

  9. 361 (I think, I made the math work)
    121 calorie row
    21 OHS 45#
    204 speed skips
    15 PLU

  10. 367 rx
    116 cals
    15 OHS
    16 PLUs
    220 skips
    felt sooo good to wod today! and not be sick!! :-)felt a little dizzy on OHS (hence only 15 ;-P o well ease back in the saddle.
    Sooo today marks DAY 1 of me going back on Paleo. Since one of my main goals is to be faster overall, and i have been i a xfit "fog" for a while; i have pinned it to diet. Although i dont eat bad i think the simple mods. will have a bigger impact on my goals. Plus i'd rather do this then burpee challenge ;-) hehe!

  11. 365 rx. Felt way better today compared to yesterday. Sinus stuff isn't any fun.

  12. 398
    body weight squats
    push ups

    10 minutes on the rower was brutal!

  13. 447
    Row: 200 cal
    OHS: 35
    PLU: 14
    Rope: 197*

    My rope broke, so I had to borrow one. Grrr! I caught 8x, not good. I am pleased with the row however! :)

    Great wod!
