Monday, 22 November 2010

For Time

20 Pull-ups
Run 200m
20 Burpees
Run 200m

5 rounds

Post time to comments

Compare to 25 NOV 09


  1. 28:35 Mod
    1" band PLU

    This was a workout worthy of Thanksgiving week! Great job everyone. Jimmy, I'll work on those burpees.

  2. 31:28 Unbroken
    1" band PLU
    RX Burpees

    Strong work everyone!Missed those who are resting after a the marathon and Danny and Mel. See ya tomorrow!

  3. 47:23 with 1.5" band and running.

  4. 32:24 rx. This was harder than it looked. Torn up hands and everything!!

  5. 34:15

    Funny story: today my workplace received a freight order. So I was unloading the truck, the driver tells me to "slow down".

    What we're not unloading for time??? Too easy...

  6. 41:13
    2 in plus thong for pullups

    Burpees plus pain in abs from Friday...bad idea.....

  7. 33:47 rx ( this time includes the three times I puked , watch out for my vomit morning class ;-p

  8. Stacy says.....
    35:44 banded pl/u's. I HAVE to get faster on my burpees!

  9. thanks for the post, i have heard that the most effective work out are those that give a little hurt on your body, so those that uses free weights. but i dont know why i'm had this allery in contact with metal. so i have to bring along Anti Bacterial/Anti Biotic every workout.
