Saturday, 21 January 2012

MP CrossFit, #1 CrossFit of south Tulsa
For Time

12 Wall-Ball Shots @ 10ft (20/12)
12 Toes-2-Bar

5 rounds

Post time to comments
(WOD courtesy of

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, or Swim

Run: 3 x 800m, rest 4 min
Row: 3 x 750m, rest 4 min
Bike: 3 x 1 mile, rest 4 min
Swim: 3 x 100m, rest 4 min

Post sport and sprint time to comments


  1. Awesome class today! Glad eveyone could make it out.

    5:08 Rx

    Bonus 1000m partner row w/ Rhonda - 3:33

    AWESOME work Rhonda! Thanks for the hard work. Thanks to Danny for forcing me to work hard!

  2. 9:06 RX

    It was a great morning at MP Crossfit!

    Thanks, Jimmy for knowing I would do better than I thought I would. It always a challenge for anyone who gets to partner with you. Thanks for pushing us!

    Awesome to see Patrice today too! And....Good job to Erin! Smoked all the ladies today!!

  3. 7:37 Rx and partnered with Danny for row 3:35

  4. 8:20 rx thought that was good enough but Erin beat me. Rowing with Alan for 3:59.

  5. 6:34 Rx partnered with Robert in the row for 3:35.
