Monday, 30 January 2012

MP CrossFit, #1 CrossFit of south Tulsa
Partner WOD

As a team, row 1000m, 15 strokes at a time. While one partner is rowing, the other does 10 burpees.


AMRAP in 15 minutes
Run 200m
7 Box Jumps (24/20")
7 Pull-ups

One partner at a time does a round, the other partner rest. The partner that finished on burpees, works first.

Post time, total number of burpees, completed rounds and extra reps to comments


  1. 20 min total
    5 rds of burpees
    4 rounds of amrap

  2. RX with Rhonda G. (the hardest working partner)...

    5:02 Row
    70 Total Burpees (I did 30)
    9 Total Rounds (I did 4)

    Great job, Rhonda! You got the short end of the stick, but you rocked it!!!

  3. Thanks Chad! You were an awesome team mate too. Hardly the short end of the stick.

    20:02 total time
    5:02 row
    70 Burpees (40 for me)
    9 Rounds for the AMRAP (5 for me)
    Yippee!! That was fun!!

    Congrats to the Triathletes! What an inspiration. I even signed up for swimming lessons. Monday nights starting Feb there or be square :-)

  4. 5:37 row (4 rds total row)
    7 total AMRAP

  5. Partnered with Rusty
    3:51 - Row
    30 Burpees
    10 rounds +175m run

    That was fun!

  6. 4:48 Row with Danny. Then 2 PLU short of 10 full rounds

  7. Erin and I were partners 5:06 row and 8 rds 200m run, 7 box jumps and 5 plu
