Monday, 27 June 2011

For Time

20 Bar-facing-Burpees (Games Standard)

180 Jump rope

15 Handstand Push-ups

120 yard Gorilla Run/Bear Crawl

3 rounds

Post time to comments


  1. Lovely WOD! Very slow burpees...

    39:05 w/ HSPU on 20" box

    Thanks, Brian for enduring the WOD with me; it would have been even more awful without you! :)

  2. 22:32 Rx
    I realized that 80yd gorilla runs would have been plenty! Great job this am everyone!

  3. Sorry to miss everyone. I hurt my arm/shoulder so am waiting for it for heal. I may try to come Tuesday, then I'm off the Los Angeles for a week.

  4. 30:21 hspu on abmat
    I was a bear today
