Friday, 10 June 2011


30 Box Jumps (20")
25 Knees-to-Elbows
20 Overhead Squats (65/45)
Run 400m

5 rounds for time

Post time to comments

Compare to 19 NOV 10


  1. This can potentially take a while, so there will be a cut-off time, the end of each class. WOD will start at 15 after class starts.

    Let the fun begin!!

  2. 45.03
    14" BJ (I want to get back on those 20s. I have such a fear
    45# OHS

    The 0630 crew had a full house except you,Coby!!
    Great job everyone attacking the hill!

  3. 45:11 MOD
    20" Box Jump
    45# OHS

    Well, wasn't that special...?! Great work to the 0630 group! Susan, where did you get that energy for the last 50 yards!! Jets on and there she went!! Nice finish :-)

    Great to see Lou this morning! Coby, you missed a good one!

  4. 33:14 Rx
    Sister is an awesome WOD! I had great weather! Glad I do not have to wod in the heat. ;)

  5. 41:58 rx it was really hot at 5:30. Red faces to prove it. Melanie.. looks like you didn't make it to the floor that time :)

  6. 56:44 the WOD sistered me out. It was fun to see everyone, except Coby. I'll be recuperating all weekend.

    20 " box ( but us masters get to do step ups)
    12 # OHS

  7. 53:39
    16 inch
    Knee ups (40)
    27 lb ohs
