Thursday, 19 May 2011

Rest Day

Strength WOD:


30 Clean and Jerks* (135/95)

For Time

Post time to comments

*This WOD can be executed as Clean to overhead anyhow. Meaning, Once you clean the weight, power or squat, you choose how to get it locked out overhead. Most efficent is Push Jerk; but other forms are Push Press or Shoulder Press. Any style or mixture of is authorized.

Remember, there are two parts to each rep; the clean (1) and the overhead (2), this is not a snatch.


  1. 3:23 rx, great job tonight everybody

  2. 5:21 RX!!! Holy crap it's 8 min improvment from last time!!
    TOTAL PR!! paleo WORKS!! :-D
    great job today everyone awesome push!!!

  3. 3:59 rx 1 min pr. Amber, you rock the clean and jerk

  4. 2:17 Rx
    4 sec PR!

    LOTS of PR's today!!! Congratz to all! Special congratz to Lesley for first Rx Grace, and on the leaderboard!
