Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Overhead Squat
5 rep max

Post time to comments

Compare to 30 JUN 09

CFE WOD (3+ hours after main WOD):

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

2 x 5 minute intevals, with 2 min rest between
... followed by
5 x 1 minute intervals, with 30 sec rest between

Post total distance covered in the intervals


  1. Melanie said...

    worked on form. had fun. great job to everyone!

  2. 115 which is a 10 lb. PR. Twice had 135 4x's, but failed on the 5th rep. Great job Lesley, Jim, Robert, and Mel!

  3. 160 pounds PR--great work Melanie, Jim, Lesley and Danny! Thanks Jimmy for your pointers they are always helpful and spot on.

  4. CrossFit buffet today. A little of OHS at 45, then did Pee Wee NASCAR:
    Run 800
    40 Squats
    Run 800
    40 UA SU
    Run 800
    40 PU - Knee
    It was great to see Mel and Danny back and all the rest of our crew. Well done on the PRs!!

  5. 80 lbs :-/ need to get my rear stronger on weights!! Thanks for encouragment Jimmy and Jaimie :-)
    Thanks for doing CFE wod with me Danny!! Running thru Mohave desert!!! Total distance = 1.75 miles

  6. 43 lb for OHS, the most I have done since my kneed injury. the I did 75 situps with no abmat
    great job on all the PRs

  7. 190 lbs, which is my body weight, 5 times!!!
