Monday, 03 October 2011

"Hair of the Dog"

1200m "Beer" Run (metaphorically on the beer part)

...then 5 rounds of:

12 "Shots"(Wall-Ball) (20/12)*

9 Wino Box Jumps (30/24")

200m sprint "to the can"

6 Cleans "up your mess" (135/95)

For Time

Post time to comments

*You can "make it a Double" and do eight 2-for-1's instead.

This WOD is inspired by those closest to us that have partied a little too hard sometime in their life, and still had to go to work the next day.


  1. 21:59 Rx and "made it a double"

    To clarify, I am not a drinker. Never have, and never will. This WOD was designed for those close friends that are not as "innocent" as me! :)

  2. 27:19 rx
    cheers! ;-P ps The Russains made me do it.
