Wednesday, 07 September 2011

Great form Jaime!

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
10 Box Jumps (30/24)
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5 pood)

Run 1100m and rest for a total of 10 minutes

Complete as many rounds as possiblein 9 min of:
10 Box Jumps
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 Kettlebell Swings

Post number of rounds for each section and run time to comments


  1. 4 rds + 4 box jumps
    3 rds + 6 box jumps

  2. Part 1: 4 rds + 10 BJ, 5 HSPU, and 5 KBS
    Run: 7:05
    Part 2: 2 rds + 10 BJ, 5 HSPU, and 7 KBS

    Mod: 30" box for HSPU

  3. 6 rds +20 reps
    5:14 run (gate open)
    4 rds +15 reps
    All Rx

    This WOD was good and very interesting. The rest after the run felt great, but I was still exhausted on the word "Go" for the 9 min rd!

  4. 5 Rds + 1 rep
    6:14 run
    4 Rds + 8 reps

    Mod -
    20" Box Jump
    HSPU - Toes on 30# box

    Those box jumps were not a friend today! Maybe it was yesterday's deadlifts!! Great job everyone!!

  5. 7 rds (w/step-ups, mod PUs & 10-lb KB)
    6:25 row 1000m
    4 rds

    THANKS ERIN and JAMIE!! What fun to be back!

  6. 4 rounds 20" box and 35# KB
    9:46 run
    3 rounds plus 1 box jump
