Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of:

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Sit-ups (unanchored)

20 Squats

Run 200m

Post total rounds and extra reps to comments


  1. I just want to say thanks to my awesome MP Crossfit family for your prayers, good vibes, texts, calls and FB posts. You guys can make anything all better!! It's 1:00 am and my shoulder is still numb. By my calculations it should wear off in a few hours. Hopefully I've taken enough pain meds so that it won't wake me up! I'll be showing up soon for moral support so be expecting me and my sling and witty comments. Love you all!!!

  2. Melanie said...

    7 rds + 3 plu/ Rx

    Stacy, We are praying for a quick and complete recovery!!!!! :)

  3. 6 Rounds plus
    5 PLU
    10 PU
    MOD - 1/2" band PLU.

  4. 8 rounds RX
    +50 reps +80 meter run

    Stacy, we can't survive without your wit!! Get well and stronger every day! See you very soon :-)

  5. 7.99 Rounds, rounded up equals 8 Rounds;)
    2 risers for the squats, but everything else RX'd

  6. 11rds +39 reps Rx
    That was a lung burner! Stacy, we are praying for ya! See ya soon.

  7. 9 rds plus everything but the run on round 10

  8. 10RDS plus 50 plus 25M run. Get well soon, Stacy!

  9. 7 rounds plus 35
    Stacy, happy healing. Hope you can come back soon.

  10. 9 rounds and 3 pull ups. Great job tonight everyone.

  11. 8 rds +50 +100m run.
    Must have been my new shoes. ;-))

    Stacy, take care and many prayers are coming your way.

  12. 6 rounds plus 5 plu and 10 pu (1"band)
    Get well, Stacy

  13. 6 rounds +50 reps
    1" PLU & knee PU

    I was so impressed w/ Rhonda's Rx wod! Great work, eveyone! I've got to get some of those shoes, Susan.

    After class I tackled another 60-miler on my bike! Yippee!
