Saturday, 26 March 2011

Pick one:

WOD 1:


21-15-9 rep rounds of:

Deadlifts (225/150)
Handstand Push-ups

For Time

WOD 2:

Games Open WOD #1:
(Open to competitors and non-competitors)

AMRAP in 10 min of:

30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches*

*The power snatch is more popularly none as "ground to overhead anyhow"!

Post time or number of rounds and extra reps to comments

Compare to:
15 NOV 10 - Diane
18 MAR 11 - Games WOD

CFE WOD (3+ hours before or after main WOD):

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

Run: 5K
Row: 5K
Bike: 10K
Swim: 1 mile

Post sport and time to comments


  1. Great day at MP! We had several PR's! Congratz to all of them! I will not steal their thunder, so I will let them post their own.

    My PR was in Diane- 4:53 Rx
    Which is a 2:50 PR!
    Thank you for the cheering section and the camera crew(Lesley)!

    I hope everyone has an awesome weekend!

  2. Great work to all. Did WOD 2:

    4 Rounds and 30 DU and 8 snatches--> 218 PR by 23 points.

  3. Stellar morning with everyone and solid, strong work!! Congrats on performance and PRs!
    WOD 2 = 130 - 177 last time. Woe is me.
    Great weekend to all!

  4. Diane
    8:47 95 # and 24 inch box knees with a lil Jimmy "coddling". =)

  5. Comp WOD 1
    260 rx! 5 rds plus 30 DU and 5 snatches!!
    5 more reps then last time :-) whoo hoo! Thanks for yelling at me everyone! I needed it!

  6. Did a 5K row @ HZ in 22:19. One of my goals was sub 23 minutes, so color me there on that goal.

  7. competition WOD 1 redo:
    3 rds + 30 DU's and 2 power snatches RX
    mucho improvement from last time

  8. 5:19 MOD - or so...(can't remember exact time, but need a bench mark for next time :-)
    95# DL
    KNEES ON 24" BOX
