Friday, 01 April 2011

CrossFit Games Open WOD #2

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

9 Deadlifts (155/100)*

12 Push-ups**

15 Box Jumps (24/20)*

Post number of completed rounds and additional reps to comments

* - See for Masters modifications and scaled weights.

** - Games PU standard is to pick hands up off the ground at the bottom of the PU, each rep. You must remain rigid as you come up off the ground. See the games website for a more detailed WOD description.


  1. 163

    4 rds + 9 deadlifts and 10 push ups

  2. 215
    18" box jumps
    100# DL
    Knee PU

  3. 8 rds 3 pu
    bad DL form and crying in the WOD did not help my score from Wed. Hope to drown my sorrows in some fish tacos.

  4. 9 rds, +8 DL

    I bettered my score from Wednesday by 19 pts! I hope everyone enjoyed that WOD!

    Congratz to Patrice for doing Rx DL's and Boxes! Next year she is competing in the upper Master's Division!

    See everyone tonight!

  5. Christina says:

    220 6 RDS + 4 deadlifts.

    MOD due to sprained ankle:
    knee PU
    85# deadlifts
    12" step-ups.

    Great to be back! Looking forward to meeting everyone tonight.

  6. 186 masters rx. Masters is another word for "old guy"

  7. 7 rounds, 9 DL and 11 box jumps

  8. Thanks everyone for an awesome Fiesta! We got game.

  9. 7 RDS + 3 DL. Great job everybody!

  10. 6 rds + 9 DL + 12 PU + 11 box jumps
    two short from last time.

    I had a great time at the fiesta!
