Thursday, 03 February 2011

Rest Day


  1. Reminder:
    I will be at the gym between 1630-1800. If you would like to come do a WOD, I will see you there.

    Friday's hours are back to normal.

  2. Took a rest day yesterday so did the PU/HS Hold WOD with 20 squats per round to rest my arms. Timing the HS Hold was counting to 60.
    5 Rounds 15:19
    20 Knee PU
    20 Squats
    HS Hold

    Hope everyone is well and safe and looking forward to getting back to MP!

  3. Snow hike to MP and back home in about 45 minutes.

    The parking lot has been cleared but the pavement is icy!!!

  4. Did my own cf recipe today
    db thrusters
    ( I only had 15 lb db @ home so I figured go faster on thrusters right ? ;-)
    : 12:58
    ps I don't care how u slice it db thrusters SUCK!

  5. I drove out my 'hood. Yippee!!

    Eastbound traffic on 71st is stuck on the hill at Yale. What a mess.

    So I turned around and came home. Stay home if you can.
