Friday, 25 Feburary 2011

"Fight Gone Bad"

Row (calories)
Wall-ball Shots (20/12) @ 10ft
Sumo-Deadlift High-pull (75/50)
Box Jumps (20")
Push Press (75/50)

3 rounds for score*

Post score to comments

Compare to 10 SEP 10

*Complete on minute at each location (5 minutes total per round). Rest one minute after each round. Repeat process two more times, a total of 17 minutes from "Go" to "Stop". Score is calculated by counting reps at each station, calories on rower; and then adding together all three rounds.


  1. 226 (8/50/14/50)

    lighter but faster on the WBS today (8#)
    increased 40 points since last September.

  2. 275 RX
    Way to go Chris! I can't believe I saw in person a 322 on FGB. Amazing. Way to channel your "inner Haug."

  3. 175 Modified
    17" Box Jumps
    8 lb WBS
    1 Wall Ball Tantrum

  4. 251
    10 in box jump
    8 lb WB
    22pp 1st round
    50 pp 2nd and 3rd round
    50lb sudl

  5. 271 rx 20 rep pr. Me and Erin are in the 20 rep pr club today!!

  6. 261 rx!! HOLLA! :-D
    20 rep PR!!!
    Jamie ( supergirl) &
    me ( wonder woman) showed what's up ;-) hehe
    I think I found my mojo; bacon ;) or maybe it's the paleo.

  7. 338 Rx

    I had a great first rd, 135 pts; but I think I rowed to hard, 30 calories. I was spent the rest of the way. Still had a great WOD. Will PR next time. :)

    Great work today each of you! Had lots of PR's! Congratz!!!

  8. 206 MOD.

    8# WBS
    17" Box Jumps

    Finally feel like my breath is getting better and more under control with each workout.

  9. Sept was 225..
    I was a slacker on the WB.. Sept was a 12 lb ball.
    I need to keep the pace up or step it up!
    (Do you agree?)

  10. 266 rx, been a long time for fight gone bad.

  11. 322 Rx!

    I'm happy with that, but even more happy with the fact that I won my first bet with Jimmy! ;)

    Muscle up by my birthday=no
    40 minutes of weighted boxjumps= super no
    40 boxjumps on FGB= YESSSSS!!!!!! :D

  12. 206
    17" box
    32 sumo dl
    22 pushpress
    8lb wall ball
    Been sick so I could've done more probably. First time for FGB! I like it!
