Wednesday, 26 January 2011

"Death by Box Jumps"

With a continuous running clock, do 1 Box Jump (24/20) every minute on the minute.*
If you have a vest, wear it.

*minute 1, do 1 Box Jump; minute 2, do 2 Box Jumps; and so on.

Post the last minute successfully completed


  1. Melanie said...

    13:35/Annie with speed skips

    I was very encouraged by all of you boxjumpers! Great job!!!!!!

  2. That was an awesome WOD - well done Jimmy!
    17" Box - 16 Full rounds and got to 16 of 17.
    AND...Thanks to my coaching and spotting and cheer team...I did 4 20" jumps spotted and 10 on my own. Jana was a goddess. Everyone was on fire. Great work!!

  3. Completed 17 on an 18" box.

    That was tiring!!

    Awesome job Jana and Vernice!!

    I'm in awe of those who did this with added weight. Way to go!!

  4. Completed 15 on an 14" box. Nice WOD. It might have helped me get over my fear of box WOD's.

  5. 20 minutes successful weighted.

    Great work everybody!

    For those who have asked, it will be Peggy giving the KB demo at the HZ.

    Those participating in the CF demo tomorrow, lets meet at the HZ 1830-1845, in the gym.

  6. 20 minutes RX weighted.

    Working off my burpee debt. 50 more to go. hahaha :)

  7. 18 successful minutes RX weighted

  8. 18 min rx with weighted vest :-)
    that was interesting

  9. 18 on 17 inch box
    Fun WOD and perfect use of the bday clock!!!

  10. umm, I prefer death by chocolate LOL!
