Gym Closed due to weather conditions
Stay at Home WOD:
"Blackjack" variation 2
20 Squats (SQ)/1 Sit-up (SU)
19 SQ/2 SU
18 SQ/3 SU
17 SQ/4 SU on until
1 SQ/20 SU
For Time
Post time to comments
Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim
20 minutes - ALL OUT EFFORT
For max distance
Post distance to comments
The Health Zone is closed today and tomorrow. I was encouraged to do the same. MP CrossFit will be closed today and tomorrow due to the inclement weather.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the beautiful snow! Sledding for time!
I will post another "at home WOD" for tomorrow.
Holy Quadominals Batman! That was a great WOD. Thanks for posting it Jimmy!
Enjoy the snow, be safe, warm, and happy everyone!
did my own at home WOD as I forgot to look if there was one posted!!
ReplyDelete10 SQ
10 rounds 9:42 rx and 3 min speed skips.
I think 150 burpees for time would be a good WOD at home :)
11.32 blackjack
ReplyDeletelater it will be shoveling snow while the snow is still powder.
stay safe and warm.
Angela, quit studying and go wod.
Coby, did you make it back to Tulsa. or a you stuck in St Maarten?
10 rds
ReplyDelete10 pu
10 su
10 sqt
: 11:39 rx
I need to get faster at rx pu!! At least I didn't scream I didn't wanna scare or disturb the rentals ;-P
now on to cleaning bathroom and studying ( rx)
16:40 with anchored SU's. Glad that is over. Now I can go back to couch potato.
ReplyDeleteworking hard at not eating all day for time. Or baking cookies and eating them all Rx.
ReplyDeleteI'm shoveling snow for a workout! Been out twice and there's more to do. Glad to be back in Tulsa. Can't wait to get back to CF!
ReplyDelete13:44 Rx'd, unanchored SU
ReplyDelete43 burpees
ReplyDeleteUnanchored SU
Now I can turn my heater off for a while! First wod was trying to get to hospital for work. Um yeah epic fail!!
Shoveled my driveway, helped with a neighbors, and a stranded motorists. My back is nice and tight. Bring on day 2.
ReplyDelete11:19 Rx--sort of anchored--Robert
ReplyDelete11:48 Rx--sort of anchored--Olivia
Pre-workout Olivia and I shoveled snow also and tested shoveling by going out in the 4 wheel-drive and learned we needed to do more snow shoveling.
I helped shovel a neighbor's drive for time. Good thing was that I had the big shovel.....bad thing was that I had the big shovel!! It got heavy quick! I agree with back it tight!
ReplyDelete12:30 RX Christine
ReplyDeleteCFE 20min on eliptical 2mi
14:00 RX Christian and xbox marathon
Didn't get out at all today! Will get out tomorrow!
Finally did the WOD...22:51
ReplyDeleteMuch harder to go all-out at home alone. Can't wait to get back to MP!