Friday, 21 January 2011

Stacy doing what she had to with a bum shoulder!

21-15-9 rep rounds of:

Squat Snatch (95/65)
Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

For Time

Post time to comments


  1. WODn on sunshine, and don't it feel good...Thanks Jimmy for coaching on form and going with less weight. Big difference!
    Round 1 at 45 lb, 2 and 3 at 32 lb
    1 1/2" Band Chest to Bar

  2. 14.52

    1.75 rd 1 then 2" chest to bar.

  3. Melanie said...

    10:08/substituted 21 Rx pu and 21 unanchored su for squat snatch...15...then 9...... Used skinny band for chest-to-bar plu.
    Thanks, Lesley, for not dropping the bar on me!!!! HA! HA!

    Great job everyone! :)

  4. Stacy, I'm impressed by your 1 armed filthy fifty. And great legs in this photo!!
    12:26 rx today. chest-to-bar ouch!

  5. 10:38 Rx

    The chest-to-bar were the hardest part. I got sloppy on one of the snatches and that caused me to have a failed rep! :(

    Glad to see all that showed today!

    FYI: Tomorrow's WOD, Saturday, will be at 0830 instead of 0900.

  6. Liking the 0830 start time!

    Congrats, Melanie, on all of those Rx pushups!!

    18:57, 45lb & 1" band (attempted chest to bar)
    Learned that squat snatches & power snatches are very different things!

  7. 14:52
    32# and 1.5" PLU
    My PLUs were more like an in-between chin and chest. I guess I should have added another 0.5".

    I'm thoroughly impressed with all of Stacy's one-handed modifications! Great job tonight, ladies! Very fun wod'n with you!

  8. 10:10
    one arm 35lb dumbbell snatch
    push ups rx

    thanks for all the props for my one armed feats but I'm really ready to use both arms again!! LOL

  9. 20:08 more like a power snatch into a overhead squat. I should have gone lighter to work on my form.
