Tuesday, 16 November 2010

This is what a shin looks like after fighting a 30" table jump!
Table won rds 1 & 2, but I think the "Janimal" will win rd 3!

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:

Row 500m
10 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood)
10 Pull-ups

Post number of completed rounds and any additional to comments

CFE WOD (3+ hours after/before main WOD):

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

Run: 7 x 200m, rest 4 min
Row: 7 x 250m, rest 4 min
Bike: 7 x 800m, rest 4 min
Swim: 7 x 50y/m, rest 4 min

Post total sprint time to comments


  1. Melanie said...

    2 rounds + 418 meter row/Rx

    Great work everyone!!!

  2. 3 rounds + row + 1 KB.
    Great job everybody!

  3. 3 Rounds + 175 M Row
    1" Band
    25 lb KBS
    Thanks for all the cheering and help!! Strong work today by all!

  4. Short of 3 rounds by 5 pullups, Rx.

    Glad Jimmy didn't make that one 20 or 30 mins!

  5. 3 rds, plus 500m row, 10 KBS

    I liked this WOD, but I think changing the row to 250m would make it even more interesting. :)

    Lesley, 20-30 min of this would be sadistic, and I am not like that! (hehe)

  6. 3 rounds plus 332m row rx

  7. 3 rounds + 450 m row...now that's a nice looking leg!

  8. 3rds rx plus 200 m row
    I liked this one but I say ditto on makin row 250 ;-)

  9. 2 rounds 500m row 2 kbs
    25 lb kbs
    1.25+thong for pullups

  10. Stacy says....
    3 rounds plus 91m row (thong)
    that was a doozy!

  11. 3 rounds 1 pood and 1.5" band
    Debbie did 2 rounds + 430 meters

  12. 12:39 Singles

    Milestone today is that I did all 50 burpees with only a short pregnant pause at #17. Mind over matter, right? I bet my abs hurt tomorrow!! Great work everyone

  13. 2 rounds plus row plus kettle bells
