Thursday, 11 November 2010

Rest Day

A Salute to all Veterans!
Happy Veterans Day!


  1. Melanie said...

    Max box jumps in 1 min. Rest 2 min.
    Max push ups in 1 min. Rest 2 min.
    Max sit ups in 1 min. Rest 2 min.
    Max plu in 1 min.
    Give total/individual scores

    Total: 113
    Box jumps- 17 on 17" box
    Push ups-35 (knee)
    Sit ups- 50
    Pull ups- 11 Rx

    Today was a lot of fun! Great work everyone!!!

  2. PU 20
    BJ 21 on 14"
    SU 35
    PLU 15 on 2"

    91 TOTAL

    Missed Lesley's smile this morn!! Good to see Erin!!

  3. Total: 107
    Box jumps- 19 on 14" box
    Push ups-31 (knee)
    Sit ups- 35
    Pull ups-22 1" band and a rip.

    Great morning with everyone and to see Erin!

  4. total 124 rx
    box jumps - 29
    pushups -29
    situps - 46
    pullups - 20

  5. 126rx
    box jumps:27
    push ups : 28
    sit ups: 45
    plups: 26

  6. Stacy says......
    total 102 rx
    box jumps: 21
    pushups: 34
    sit ups: 38
    pullups: 9 <-------rx!!

  7. I did nancy today since I missed it yesterday. That sounds weird.
    16:03 rx
