Friday, 05 November 2010

"Filthy Fifty"

50 Box Jumps (24/20)
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 Kettlebell Swings (1 pood)
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knee-to-Elbows
50 Push Press (45/30)
50 Back Extension
50 Wall-Ball Shots (20/12)
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders

For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 21 JUL 10


  1. No way I can make 4:30...Going to Elton and Leon tonight, so will pop in to the festivities tonight before we go! Everyone enjoy the rainy friday!

  2. 35:30 thru back extensions, DNF WB, Burp, DU
    (Relatively)fun trying!
    Great job to all and enjoy your evening tabata!

  3. 39:40
    14" Box Jumps
    32 lb PP
    25 lb KBS
    8 lb WBS
    SU for K2E
    Thanks Jimmy!Working on form and unbroken as much as possible so time was better today. Not really a PR time wise, but form for sure. Great job everyone!! Carmen, will miss you tonight! Have a ball and wear your electric boots and mohair suit! El Guapo tonight at 7:30!

  4. 34:33 Mod

    17" Box
    25# KBS
    8# WB
    150 Sit Ups Unachored - (100 unbroken! That was exciting!)
    150 Singles
    I survived - WOOT!

  5. 32:22 RX'd. Great job everybody!

  6. 43:33...PR by 8:07!!! (July was 51:40) Woo-hoo!
    14" Box Jumps
    1 Pood, but did Russian
    SU for K2E
    Rx PP
    8# WBS
    150 Singles
    All my mods were the same as July 21 except I moved from 30# KBS to 1 pood RKBS.

    Great job, everyone! Filthy Fifty is TOUGH! Hope to see all tonight at El Guapo!!

  7. 36-something (Incomplete) Mod: Situps & Singles.

    Didn't 'get' to do burpees b/c I had to get to work. Can't find my time from July, but had less modifications.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight!

  8. Couldn't do filthy 50 cuz o time constraints :-/ soooooooo I did a wod from Crossfit flatirons in Boulder:
    3 rds
    500 m row
    20 kbs (30lbs)
    run 500
    : 18:59 rx
    ready to wear my margarita- drinking pants :)

  9. 35.33 modified

    17"-> 10" box jumps. (i lost my confidence)
    Rx KBS
    Rx WBS
    Rx PP
    150 situps

    All you concert goers tell Elton and Leon to come join us for tabata El Guapo!!

  10. Stacy says.....
    37:29 rx <-------!!!

  11. 32:17 w 45lbs Push Press

  12. 25:35 RX
    7 sec PR!

    Great job on all the PR's! Filthy Fifty is one of my favorites!

  13. 41:52 a PR by 2 min 13 sec.
    Nest time I hope to get under 40.

  14. 67:05...8 minutes longer than last time. This time I started with burpies and that wasn't a good idea.

  15. Melanie said...

    44:14/17" box jumps/8 lb/singles
