Thursday, 14 January 2010

Shoulder Press

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Compare to 15 OCT 09



    This is a great place to get good food without the hormones. We don't want to look like those people that do steroids, then why would you buy food from a chicken or cow all full of steroids.
    I try to buy at least meats, vegetables, and milk that is organic.
    I know organic is more expensive but you are paying for a gym membership to transform the outside so you might as well transform the inside.

    I think everyone is doing great and I can see wonderful progress you all have made. You should be proud of yourselves.

    I love you all.

  2. 72 lbs. - PR 15 lbs.

    CFE - 6 Rounds
    Row 1 Minute, Rest 30
    1407 M

    Great work everyone and thanks for all the support and encouragement!! Everyone is rocking it big time!

  3. Still at 72#. No progress in SP. Oh well at least I've got Rx PU. Next will be Rx PLU.

  4. A whopping 39 pounds!!

    Thanks Erin for nudging me towards 45 lbs!

  5. 90 lbs. Seems like it should be easier to do this one after a bazillion pull ups.
    Great work today Anne

  6. 105 lbs PR
    CFE - 6 round row 1 min on 30 sec rest
    1520 meters

  7. 70 lbs which is the same as last time.
    also did CFE row 1 min rest 30 sec, 6 rds 13--something!

    Great job on the new PR Michel.. 15 lbs more that the last PR! That is awsome.

    Good work all week everyone.

  8. 57- PR. Thanks for the encouragement from everyone!

    Great job Michele!
