Thursday, 07 January 2010

No matter the size of the task ahead, attack it with all you got!


30 Snatches (135/95)

For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 14 APR 09

Note: These are from ground to overhead however you can, but no bouncing.


  1. 3:05 95 lbs. Great job Robert! Thanks for the help Erin!

  2. 3:48 65 lbs ( need to work on form ;-) great job today everyone!

  3. 2:41 45 lbs. I will go a bit heavier next time

    After the 30 snatches Rhonda, Lisette & I did an additional CFE: row 1 minute, rest 30 seconds, 6 rounds. Erin kept time. It really completed the work out this morning. Thanks Erin for the extra efforts today.

  4. 3:48 65 lbs
    I'm going to really work on my form with these in the future
