Friday, 27 January 2012

MP CrossFit, #1 CrossFit of south Tulsa

"Put a little love in it"

21-15-9 rep rounds of:

Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood)
Overhead Squats (65/45)
Box Jumps (24/20)
Wall-Ball Shots @ 10ft (20/12)
Run 400m
*At the end of each round, run 400m

Post time to comments

Compare to 11 APR 11


  1. 32.11. 35 lb kb. SU mod. 45 lb ohd. 20" box. 12 lb wb.

  2. 32:38 RX
    That was tiring!! But fun!!

  3. 40:01 RX

    I was trying to break the 40 min. mark, but it didn't happen:(

    I thought I did this WOD back in April, but I must not have recorded my time so I will take this as a PR.

  4. 37:53 w/ mods

    PUs - knees
    KBS - Rx
    K2Es - 2:1 SUs
    OHS - 32#...still going SLOW & trying to keep the "stripper-butt" in check!
    Box Jumps - 14"
    PLUs - 1/5"
    WBS - 8# and probably more like 9'
    Row 400m

    That was very tiring! But fun and I'm glad I didn't let my little inner voice talk me out of it this morning. But then I let Jimmy persuade me into getting a team together for the indoor tri at ORU on Sunday. Can't wait!!

  5. 24:30 Rx
    PR by 1:26!!!!

    I totally agree Angie, very tiring! Good luck to all tri folks this weekend. Come join the Saturday class at 0900 for a demo.

  6. 29:40 1 minute PR but a full 20 seconds behind Jaime last year....she beat me again! Next year...

  7. Erin said...
    30:51 Rx
    1:56 PR!
    (now, if only I can learn how to post and not have to ask the most amazing boss in the world to do it for me!)
