Monday, 02 January 2012

For Score*

Row 500m (for calories)
Rest 4 minutes
Max rep Handstand Push-ups
Rest 4 minutes
Max rep Speed Skips in 3 minutes
Rest 4 minutes
Max rep Burpees in 5 minutes

*Total all reps and calories for score

Post score to comments

Compare to 03 JAN 11


  1. 268 RX
    Burpees were fun as always.
    Also rowed a PR 1:48

  2. woohoo Christian! well done on the row!

    500m row PR for me too...1.56 (34 kCal). 2011 was 2.02 (32 kcal)
    21 HSPU 24" box. 25 in 2011
    375 singles. 342 in 2011
    49 burpees. 51 in 2011.

    I'm satisfied with my total 479.
    but look out 2013!!!

  3. 500M row: (45 cal/1:33)
    HSPU: 6
    SPEED SKIPS: 300
    BURPEES: 71

    TOTAL: 422

  4. 38 cal
    7 HSPU
    440 speed skips
    79 burpees


  5. 35 361 66 score 467. Got 6 more burpees and 25 more speed skips than last time same hspu but rx this time with kipping.

  6. 49 calories rowed (-1 from last year)
    18 HSPU (+1)
    513 Speed Skips (+93!!!)
    84 Burpees (+3)
    664 Total
    Total PR of 96!

  7. 300 with singles and 12" box
    PR for row

    Need to work harder in 2012, congrats to 5:30 class great turn out, not so much for us oldies
