Saturday, 17 September 2011


50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of:

Double Unders


For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 09 APR 11


Choose a sport:

Run, Row, Bike, or Swim

Run: 2 miles

Row: 4000m

Bike: 6 miles

Swim: 800m

Pick one sport, perform half the distance at MAX EFFORT, rest 4 minutes; and then try to cover the second half in same time.

Post both, first and second halves, to comments


  1. I did the cool WOD Robert brought to the party today
    run 1 mile ( I rowed a mile)
    then...on a continuously running clock, each of the following exercises for 2 min
    row for calories
    30 lb dumbell thrusters
    20 lb ball cleans
    dbl unders
    For mods, I moved the row for calories to the end, did 20 lb dumbell thrusters, burpees instead of dbl unders and ring plu
    got 20 thrusters, 20 cleans,19 burpees, 21 ring plu and 17 rowing cals (on old betsey)
    It was fun! thanks Roberto

  2. Thanks for doing the WOD with me Jaime--you are coming back quickly!

    Thanks to Erin for the great coaching this week. Knock the tests next week out of the park!

    8:20ish mile

    Row--33 calories
    DB thrusters--21
    Ball cleans--21
    Double unders--63

  3. 19:02 did 500/400/300/200/100m of rowing instead of double unders
