Wednesday, 08 December 2010

For Time

30 Box Jumps (20")
20 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood)
10 Pull-ups
Row 500m

3 rounds

Post time to comments


  1. Sorry for any inconvenience, but the 1730 (5:30 pm) class is cancelled this evening. It will be back on schedule tomorrow.

  2. 18:56 rx. I think the marathoners were crazy for working out today.

  3. 27:36 with 1.5" band, 20" box, and 1 pood.
    Debbie did 24:27

  4. 25:38, Rx. Thanks for the cheering! It really helped!

    Danny was moving way too fast for just finishing a marathon!

  5. I so wanted to do this WOD! Hope to darken the door of MP tomorrow at 0530. Did Annie again today, 4:1 Singles and ABMAT BF SU. My abs are SCREAMING. Great work all!!

  6. 15:40 RX

    Felt pretty good three days post marathon. I did not plan on doing the full WOD; BUT, Danny showed up and did full WOD. :P Leaving me with no choice but to man up! Thanks Danny! I think Erin enjoyed Danny setting the bar as well. :)

  7. 17:38 Rx--great to have the marathoners back!

  8. 20:44 rx
    yes Danny thank you ;) actually I really think it helped break up some lactic acid. Great job everyone!
