Thursday, 12 August 2010

Rest Day


  1. So glad to be back at MP...I missed you guys!

    I did my FIRST RX WOD this morning!!!!
    75 push press at 45# (did 75 SU)
    Total Time = 7:53

    Awesome job ladies! Vernice, Rhonda, and Michel, you all rocked those push presses this morning! Thanks for cheering us on, Erin!

  2. A Push Press Curtsy to Angie, Vernice and Rhonda and Lesley in absentia for showing me how it is done.
    CONGRATUALTIONS ANGIE ON RX. Its a rite of passage and top of the mountain experience. Well done.
    Erin. glad to have you with us in the morning and thank you!

    11:36 RX
    100 SU

  3. That was a nice change of pace! Still hard work, but no need to mop up the sweat after me today! 7:21 Rx, 100 Situps

  4. 4:54 Rx 75 PU--great work all you Rxers

  5. 3:34 with abmat situps. 40-16-19 Good seeing Erin, Amber, and Stacy! Great job ladies!

  6. 4:09 rx with 50 situps - my arms and legs are toast

  7. 6:04 with 100 sit ups
    started my jump rope challenge and caught on 147!!! UGH!!!!
    Great job today everyone!!

  8. I totally forgot to post that I achieved Level 1 on the jump rope challenge!!

    I caught on 118 my first attempt but succeeded on my second attempt!!

  9. 4:14 rx with 50 sit ups. Arms......are........weak
