Monday, 12 July 2010

A little worn-out after Saturday's WOD!

Run 400m
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups
... now reverse!

For Time

Post time to comments


  1. Tea and Crumpets
    1" PLU
    Knee PU
    UA SU

    Running the reverse course threw a spanner in the works and was like driving in the UK. I am still walking sideways. And really...where was Hugh Grant at the finish line??

    Awesome WOD today. Baba O'Riley - Out.

  2. 14:57
    1" PLU
    Knee PU
    UA abmat SU

    Well done, Michel...I was really trying to catch you.

    PLU are still my weakness. :-(

    Rhonda, where are you?

  3. Hi Susan and all my MP friends

    Unfortunately, I am once again in the Pink Palace. My son has Viral Meningitis. It's not the bad kind like the kids from Oologah had but it's bad enough.

    If you want to email me the address is IF you please, don't post anything about this on Facebook.

  4. My prayers are with you and your family Rhonda.

    Today's WOD: 8:51 RX, ran in the rain.

    Good work am'ers.

  5. Echo Jimmy Rhonda - prayers, candles, rain dances, name it. Thinking of you and yours and miss your strength, smile and sass in the morning. I hope to see you soon and speedy recovery for your son.

  6. Rhonda...your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    9:52 Rx

  7. Melanie said...

    Rhonda, I am really sorry about your son. I will pray for him!
    Stacy, I was so happy to see you at CF. We'll keep praying for an excellent recovery.

    11:22/knee pu/skinny band for plu

  8. ran 3 miles. kept up with burpees

  9. Rhonda, oh no...I hope he gets better soon. Let me know if you need anything. We certainly do miss you in the am.

    knee PU
    2" PLU
    UA SU

    I agree, the reverse run felt odd!

  10. 18:11 rowing w/1" band
    Debbie did 17:49 running. Not sure about band.
