Monday, 19 March 2012

MP CrossFit, the #1 CrossFit of south Tulsa
For Time

1000m Row
90 Double Unders
80 Sit-ups
70 Push-ups
60 Walking Lunges
50m Gorilla run or Bear Crawl
40 One-arm Kettlebell Snatches (1.5/1 pood) (20 each arm)
30 Burpees
20 Pull-ups
10 Handstand Push-ups

Post time to comments


  1. 47:49....semi-RX

    Used abmat for HSPU's, and had the "assistance" of Jimmy on my last 4:)

    Great job on your HSPU's, Rhonda!!!

  2. 36:59 MOD
    20# Kettle Bell Snatches
    Abmat for Kipping HSPU!! First attempt in a WOD for these!!! I eventually got all 10..Yay!! Thanks, Jimmy, for your coaching! Those are kind of hard on the neck!

    Great Job Chad...!! Way to hang in there till the bittersweet end!!

  3. 37:04
    270 Singles
    RX UNTIL MODIFIED TO: 15 burpees, 10PLU, 5HSPU

  4. 29:23 mod

    Knee PUs
    Bear Crawls
    20# KB Snatches
    1" PLUs
    20" box HSPUs

  5. 29:26 with MODs
    Knee PU
    25# KB Snatches
    Window HSPUs

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