Saturday, 27 November 2010

For Time

50 Double Unders
10 Handstand Push-ups

5 rounds

Post time to comments


Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

Run: 5 x 200m, rest 3 min
Row: 5 x 250m, rest 3 min
Bike: 5 x 400m, rest 3 min
Swim: 5 x 50m, rest 3 min

Post sprint time to comments


  1. 13:45 RX

    Shoulders are TRASHED!

    Then went to LaFortune and ran a 10K with Danny and Erin. Lesley, Carmen, Christine, Christian, and Barry (Christine's hubby) ran a 5K.

    My 10K was 46:27. Which is a 2 min PR.

  2. 14:56, Knee HSPU. One round of DU's, but the rest were singles.

    Good job on the PR, Jimmy! You're on your way to a PR next week in Dallas!

  3. Ran 10K at LaFortune with Erin, Jimmy, Carmen and Lesley. My time was 50:45, a 37 second PR.

  4. Melanie said...

    14:39/singles/24" box toe hspu. I am having trouble straightening out my arms!!! :)

  5. 16 ish (lost my time) 13 something then had to add 25 more handstand push ups! OOPS!! 17 inch box
