Wednesday, 09 March 2011

"Kick my 'ASH' Wednesday"

100 Double Unders
75 Box Jumps (20")
50 Pull-ups
25 Ring Dips
10 Handstand Push-ups
25 Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5 pood)
50 Knees-to-Elbows
75 Calories Rowed
100 Speed Skips

For Time
Post time to comments


  1. I thought you were going to post low-rep box jumps, Jimmy?!?! Oh well, I'll come anyways.

  2. How fortunate I am up to date on my last will and testament.

  3. wow...'nuf said...38:45ish

    I'm planning a nap this afternoon.

  4. Masterpiece WOD Jimmy. Can't wait to do it again. Great work everyone.
    32:52 - Much MOD
    1" band PLU
    24" Box HSPU
    1/2" Ring Dips
    1 pood KBS
    17" Box Jumps
    100 SU

  5. 25:43 Rx
    That was a awesome WOD! A complete smoker! It has been a while since we have done a long WOD.

    Strong work everyone!

  6. a can of whoop-ash!!
    41:41 rx!! I'm zonked and can't cuss for 40days and 40 nights
    happy lenting all ye fellow catholicians :-) Mazel Tov!!

  7. 28:23 but heavily modified.Did it all with a weighted vest, though. Does that count?

  8. 33:28 Rx

    Jana and those 1.5 pood KB were certainly impressive! And so was Melanie all-Rx on the bar!

    I remember when Mel and I started we were both using humungus rubber bands shooting ourselves over the bar.

  9. 30:01
    30# kettle bells
    single jump rope
    1" band PLU
    1" band rings
    block HSPU

    I knew this had something to do with lent. It was a great work out but I don't think I could do 40 days of it!

  10. 31:52 RX. That was a BEATDOWN!

  11. Correction; I did NOT do RX! I did HSPU with toes on the ledge, Im a boob! My brain feels like oatmeal

  12. Melanie said...

    46:26/Singles/17" step ups/skinny band ring dips/24" toe hspu/1 pood kb swing

    Great job everyone!!!! :)

  13. 39:58

    1" ring dip
    20" box knees HSPU
    30 lb KBS
    1.75" PLU
    100 SU
    17" box jumps

    Man I wanted to die after this.......but I lived thank goodness!! Nice work 5:30ers!

  14. Great WOD! 32:07 w/ many mods:
    300 singles
    14" box jumps
    1.5" PLU
    1" ring dips (last time I did box dips)
    20" HSPU on knees
    1 pood KBS (shoulda listened to coach & done 1.25 pood)
    100 SU
    Rx Row
    Rx speed skips...98 unbroken, yay and frustrating at the same time...only 2 left, really?!

    Fun wod'n with Jaime (and yes, the vest counts), Nancy, and Brian. Great work, all!

  15. 37:12 mod with banded ring dips and handstand push ups on yoga block

  16. 33:45 with mods
    banded plu's and ring dips
    HSPU on knees 24" box
    1 pood KBS
    knee ups

  17. 28:34 Highly Modified

    17" Box Jump
    PLU w/thong
    1" band Ring Dip
    HSPU 20" Box
    KBS w/1 pood
    100 sit ups
