Monday, 13 December 2010

3 rounds

10 Pull-ups
15 Burpee Box Jumps (20")
20 Back Extensions
25 Sit-ups

For Time

Post time to comments


  1. Just a reminder that our Christmas Party is on Saturday at 6:30! Please be sure to sign up at the gym so we'll know how many are coming. Maps will be available, too. If you're not going to be at the gym this week, send me an email and I will send you directions. ( Looking forward to seeing everyone!!

  2. Melanie said...

    15:48/16" box

    Welcome Joe! Missing you Carmen!!! Hope you are feeling better!

  3. 9:28 with small band.

    Great job everyone!

  4. Hi Everyone! Missed this morning but family is safely back off to California and I got some sleep! Can't wait to be back tomorrow! WOD at home:

    10 Rounds
    10 SQT
    10 ABMAT BF SU
    10 PU - Knee
    10 Push Press - 12 lb

  5. 13:55 1" band
    17" Box
    Great to have Joe working out with us. Hope Carmen is back Soon too!

    December 13, 2010 9:50 AM

  6. 7:57 RX

    I was surprised on how fast this WOD was. Robert FLEW through it, which in turn put the pressure on me. Thanks for the gauntlet Robert! :)

  7. 12:38 rx. Would have been faster but I had a fight with a box. I think it won.

  8. Ok, I've been thinking about this and I only want to give round 1 to the box. I won round 2 because I finished the WOD.
    Thanks Jimmy and Erin for only laughing at me when I couldn't see you :)

  9. 19:32, Rx. Burpee Box Jumps are tough!

  10. 12:10 rx burpee box jumps and pull ups ; O my!!

  11. 12:11 RX at the 5:30 a.m. class.
    10:06 RX at the 5:30 p.m. class. Great job today, everybody!

  12. Stacy says....
    13:26? thong band
