Monday, 09 August 2010

21-15-9 rep rounds of:

Squat Snatchs (95/65)
Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

For Time

Post time to comments


  1. Good skill day as my form on OHS is work in progress. But getting better. Thanks Jimmy, for the coaching. I modified a few times before and during the WOD. Great to see everyone today and love the jumprope challenge!

    22 lb
    2 " band

  2. 10:34 RX

    Everyone did a great job working on form this morning. Snatches are an on-going work in progress, for everyone!

    Jump Rope Challenge(JRC) started today. Here are the "skill" levels:

    Level 1: 150 Singles, unbroken
    Level 2: 150 Speed Skips, unbroken (75 each leg)
    Level 3: 100 Double Unders, unbroken
    Level 4: 2 min Double Unders, unbroken

    Some of these levels will take you days, weeks, months, or even years to obtain; but do not worry, your skill in jump rope will continue to increase. That ability will assist you in all WODs, especially ones with jump rope. :) Enjoy!

  3. 16:50
    32 lb
    1.5" band - chest made it into the bar about 3 times!

  4. 15:28 (65 lbs.) Great job everybody!

  5. Great to see everyone in the swing of CF! Can't wait until I can join all of you, again!

  6. 14:39 (45lbs)
    so great to see Anne tonight !!! We miss you!!!

  7. Stacy says.....
    14:41 w/65lbs and 1" band and a thong hee hee
    Great job everyone......really great to see Anne as well

  8. Melanie said...

    14:10/22 lbs/1" band. Great to see you, Anne!!!!
