Friday, 27 August 2010

Hopper Week
Day 5

Final day!

Post WOD with time, reps, rounds, etc. to comments


  1. In preparation for Saturday's WOD, get your teams ready! On Saturday, we will be doing the "Burpee Mile". Teams need to be 4-5 persons.

    I will post tomorrow the finalized location. It will either be at Union High School track, 69th and Mingo; or at the Union 8th grade Center, 77th and Garnett.

    Time will still be 0830.

    See you in the morning! :)

  2. "Murph"- I love this WOD. Thanks Susan!
    Run 1 mile
    10 rounds of 10, 20, 30
    100 Pull-ups 1" band
    200 Push-ups Knee
    300 Squats
    Run 1 mile

    June 18 was 57:25. Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy the Burpee Mile!

  3. Great job Michel!!!
    33:33 Kelly RX'd. That's 1:01 slower than last time, but my WB shots were much higher today. Looking forward to the Burpee Mile. Woohoo!

  4. Congrats 6:30 class for doing Murph!
    "Kelly" 45:23 - 20' box, 12 lb wallball, below 10 feet. That was exhausting! Hope legs are working for the Burpee Mile tomorrow. :)

  5. I pulled "Fran"! I love Fran, but not at the end of this week!!! I did set 3 PR's this week though! :)

    My time on Fran was 4:09. That tied the last time I did it; but I was fresh then, not worn out at the end of a Hopper week.

    See everyone tomorrow am at the track.

  6. Played golf for time. 18 holes in 4 hours 8 minutes. I chose wisely.
    Great job everyone. See you next week.

  7. 66;31 with rowing, 3" band, and 2 risers.

  8. Kelly 32:00 Rx--hopper week is over and now the Burpee mile--FYI last years time is 42:59 with me and 4 non-crossfitters (albeit all great athletes).

  9. WOD B
    5 deadlifts 185 lbs
    10 burpees

    rx 6:27

    I am officially burpeed out

  10. Oh sorry I forgot to put 5 rounds for wod B

  11. last post I promise, it was 6:37 not 6:27

  12. Stacy says......
    Amber is obviously lacking oxygen to her brain from Hopper Week!!
    WOD B
    6:39 PR

  13. Oh, Murph, how you abuse me...
    1.75" band (no rips!!)
    Knee PU
    I did this lovely WOD in bootcamp w/ a riser on squats, more modified push-ups and a 2.5" band, rowing, w/ a time of, looks like a PR to me w/ improvements!!
    I hope you all have SO much fun in the morning on your Burpee Mile...I want to see pictures :)

  14. Murph. 55:59
    1 mile row
    100 plu 1 in band
    200 knee pu
    300 sq
    1 mile row

  15. Last time we did Murph was June 18th. My time was 70 something. PR by 15 minutes!!!!
    I had two PRs for the week.

  16. Melanie said...

    48:28/17" box jumps/12 lb. wall ball then went down to 8 lb. wall ball somewhere in round 2.
