Friday, 09 July 2010


21 Overhead Squats (95/65)
42 Pull-ups
15 Overhead Squats
30 Pull-ups
9 Overhead Squats
18 Pull-ups

For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 12 NOV 08


  1. Stacy Says,

    Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and visits. I am doing well and thanks to crossfit the surgeon said my abs were tough to get through. Remember that Pain is just your appendix leaving your body.

  2. 12:32 RX Great job everybody!

  3. 12:28 rx. yay
    Stacy sorry to hear that you did "emergency surgery for time" this weekend.Get well soon

  4. 17:06
    45 lb OHS
    17" box jumping PLU

    Great news Stacy!

  5. Stay strong Stacy! Go CrossFit on the abs! True that on the pain! :) Get well soon.

    Great work this am everyone! Lots of good PR's set! For some of ya, this was the first time doing the "Josh" WOD as posted. I hope you enjoyed it?!

    My time was 7:20 RX! PR by 42 seconds!!

  6. Stacy,
    Glad to hear you're ok. Get well soon.

  7. 14:33 rx
    Stacy take care of yourself!! We are sending good healing vibes your way :-)

  8. 9:39 Rx--Get well soon, Stacy!

  9. Stacy, take good care. We want you back SOON!

  10. Can't remember my time. But I did something right. Name a muscle and it's sore. A good sore. Lats check. Triceps/ biceps check. Quads check. Hand rip check.

    I'm ready for more!

    Stacy, rest and heal. You'll be back in no time!
