Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Front Squats
3 rep max

Post max load to comments

CFE WOD (3+ hours after main WOD):

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

Run: 2 miles
Row: 3K
Bike: 5 miles
Swim: 800m

Do distance with a 20:10 format. 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest until distance is complete. 10 seconds of rest is "stop rest", no forward motion.

Post total work time to comments


  1. Melanie said...

    85 lbs/Great job Lesley, Danny, Robert, and Erin!!! :)

  2. 195 lbs. Did 200 lbs. once. Both are PR's! Woohoo. Good seeing everybody this morning.

  3. First time doing front squats - I like em.
    85 LB
    Congrats Danny! Awesome job.

  4. 235 PR by 10 lbs!

    Great jod this am all! Congratz on all PR's!!

  5. 135!! AND FINALLY got my head to touch yoga block on hspus! I just high fived myself ;-) great job today guys it was fun to work out with the 5:30 a.mers :-)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. My first time doing front squats, too! 82 lbs
    CFE: yeesh! Run 2 miles at 20:10 (work:rest) Total time was 26:00 w/ 52 laps...HOT & HILLY! First CFE down!!

    Way to go for all the PR's today!

  8. 190 lbs PR--super job to all!

  9. Look at all these PR posts! Well done everyone!!
